Ignite Expo This Sunday

On Sunday, Ignite Expo will feature the following 16 speakers (in order). They each get 5 minutes to speak using only 20 slides that switch automatically every 15 seconds.

Doors open at 6:45. The first set of 8 speakers will go on at 7:00PM. The second set will go on shortly after 8:00PM. After each set of talks there will be voting via SMS with Mozes. A talk from each block will be selected for an encore performance during the Wednesday keynotes.

Ignite Expo will be held in the Moscone Center in Room 2022. It is open to all comers.

Our evening’s speakers include Jane McGonigal (Cruel 2 B Kind), Salim Ismail (Confabb & Yahoo’s Brickhouse), Avi Bryant (DabbleDB), Jordan Schwartz (doing a reprise of his excellent “Bee-Keeping & The Hive-Mind” talk), Kellan Elliott-McCrea (creator of the ExpoCal) and Justin. Topics include South Pole hacks, remote usability, WebFS, and power supplies for emerging markets. The full schedule is after the jump.

First Set – 7:00 PM

  1. Avi Bryant (Dabble DB, Seaside) – Simple vs. Magic: A Study in Contrast
  2. When we wanted to add a branding feature to Dabble DB, we started simple. But simple’s no fun. In the end, we wouldn’t settle for anything less than magic. Hear what happens when a couple of designers and engineers get caught up in perfecting "upload your logo here", dragging color theory and image analysis along for the ride, and expanding the project timeline from a couple of days to nearly a month – and why we’d do it again.

  3. Kevin Marks (Microformats, ) – Sharing meaning not data
  4. A lightning history of attempts at sharing structure online, including IFF, HTML, XML, and JSON, and how the key difficulty is not so much coming up with a data structure, but agreeing on the meaning of the data we are sharing, and that getting people to use the same names for the same things is often the hardest part. Microformats solves this problem not by trying to legislate rules, by getting everyone to agree but by finding areas of agreement and trying to codify and grow them.

  5. Timothy Ferriss (Random House/Crown Publishing, ) – Mastering the Low-Information Diet
  6. How to detox from excessive e-mail, Crackberry, Twitter, and related tech heroin to reclaim time and your life. Lifehacks on steroids from a Princeton University guest lecturer in high-tech entrepreneurship. Is it possible to check e-mail once a week? If you do it this way, yes.

  7. Andre Charland (Nitobi, RobotReplay) – Remote usability for the rest of us
  8. Web developers, designers and community managers have a more challenging role than ever before. They are designing for and facilitating important online activities like communication, collaboration, sharing and socializing. However, it’s hard to know how users are really interacting with websites. They can’t easily observe users in their natural environments interacting with these systems. How many web developers actually get a focus group of target users in a room and watch them navigate their websites? We’re obsessed with helping developers build better user experiences on the web, and we knew there had to be a better, cheaper and faster way than traditional usability testing.

  9. David Crow (Radiant Core, Inc., ) – How to Change the World
  10. The *Camp phenomena has been successfully applied to a variety of technology events. This is the story about moving beyond technology, into public policy. And the impact open, creative communities can have on changing the experience of being a citizen, the face of a city and it’s transit system.

  11. Christy Canida (Instructables, ) – K’Nex Guns: Open-Source Hardware on Instructables
  12. Everyone wants open-source hardware, but how do we get there? A group of K’Nex gun-building kids has actually done it on Instructables; I’ll explain how.

  13. Salim Ismail (Yahoo!, Confabbb) – Chairman
  14. How do you build and launch a company with no money spent? We did it at Confabb. I’ll be talking through how that was done and some of the challenges we faced.

  15. Jordan Schwartz (Microsoft Corp, ) – Beekeeping and the Hive Mind
  16. Crowdsourcing, distributed problem solving, pah! The bees have been doing it for millenia. Learn how to set up a hive in your backyard, free yourself from the iron grip of International Honey Cartel and get a glimpse into the amazing social structure of these clever insects.

Second Set – Shortly After 8:00PM

  1. Justin Kan (Justin.tv, ) – The Justin.tv Launch: How to get a lot of press completely by accident and through no fault of your own
  2. Justin explains how the Justin.tv team managed press from before their launch through their one-month anniversary, and through the whole thing were on the Today Show, Nightline, MTV, and many more TV shows and newspapers.

  3. Jane McGonigal (Institute for the Future, Avant Game) – Happiness Hacking
  4. Future consumers will evaluate technologies on the basis of happiness metrics. Therefore, we should start making technologies that pass "the deathbed test" and improve everyday quality of life. Alternate reality games show the way!

  5. Nik Cubrilovic (Omnidrive, Techcrunch) – An Introduction to WebFS
  6. WebFS is a new file exchange protocol being developed by storage providers and application developers. WebFS will allow users to take their files with them between applications and to aggregate all their web-based content into a single storage point. Omnidrive is leading the initiative to develop the open protocol, and will shortly become an open standards based storage point for web users.

  7. Andres Morey (Octopart, ) – South Pole Hacks
  8. remote lasers, glycol spills, and starting a company from the South Pole

  9. Jon Olsen (ProGroup, ) – Diversity and Inclusion: Hacks you can use
  10. Let’s put diversity and inclusion right in front of this bunch. We’ll strive to challenge the participants, while pointing out some key concepts to take home to their own organizations. The emphasis here is on giving participants serious questions to consider and to raise in their milieu, and in the wider industry. It should be a no brainer; this culture should be leading innovation on this stuff. So we’re making a pitch to get people back on the curve, and an appeal to their pride and brain power.

  11. Kellan Elliott-McCrea (Flickr, ) – Casual Privacy
  12. Privacy has advantages, and privacy has costs. Web 2.0 has seen the rise of interfaces that allow us to cash in on exposing personal info in exchange for the wisdom of the network. Flickr, del.icio.us, Last.fm, dopplr, Netflix’s friends program, Twitter — all sites that reward sharing more and more. But are there patterns that make sharing easy, and low cost (cognitively) without simply making everything public? Can we have "casual privacy"? We can.

  13. Mary Hodder (Dabble, Napsterization) – Censorship in Asia of YouTube and Google
  14. Is there a work around? Dabble and other embedded player vehicles do the trick.

  15. Colin Bulthaup (Squid Labs, Potenco) – How do you create a power infrastructure in developing countries using human power
  16. How we are developing a host of products that will change the way power is delivered and utilized, in both developing and developed countries.

Ignite Expo will take place at 7:00PM on Sunday evening in Moscone
Center. Each of the 16 speakers get five minutes total. 20 slides. 15
seconds a slide. The event is open to all comers and will end at
9:00PM. It’s based on Ignite Seattle.
