Photo-Mosaic Mirrors

mcleod mirror

Seattle’s McLeod Residence currently has photomosaic mirrors in the bathrooms. The McLeod Mirrors track your image and in (relative) real-time generate your image with hundreds of other images. The images used in the display come from powder room visitors.

The affect is very cool. There is a bit of a lag, but I could definitely see my face in the mirror (my friend Thomas happened to be one of my eyes). The mirrors were created by the Barbarian Group (the same agency that created the awesome Magnetosphere (Radar post)). The software is written in Processing, the Java-based visualization library. To really see the full affect you should watch the video (scroll right).

The Barbarian Group is doing a limited run of 100 mirrors. They’ll run you $6000 a pop. If that’s a bit too pricey, the plan is to have a McLeod Mirror 2.0 at ETech 2008.

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