ETech 2008 Coverage Roundup

Here’s some of the coverage of our Emerging Technology Conference that’s come across my desk since I got home and have had a chance to catch up on what people had to say. Ryan Singel at Wired News gets a shout-out for consistently excellent coverage:

Lessig Calls on Geeks to Code the Money Out of Politics

Wired News Thu, 06 Mar 2008

In a presentation at O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology Conference, Stanford law professor Larry Lessig calls on geeks to figure out ways of getting the corruption out of politics.

Drugs, Body Modifications May Create Second Enlightenment

Wired News Thu, 06 Mar 2008

Speaking at O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology conference in San Diego, writer Quinn Norton described future societal changes that may come about as the result of mind-enhancing drugs and other body modifications — just as the introduction of coffee helped stimulate the Enlightenment in 17th-century England.

Google plays down Android incompatibility concerns

InfoWorld Thu, 06 Mar 2008

Google’s Android team isn’t worried about wireless carriers building Android distributions that are incompatible with one another, Google developer Dan Morrill said Wednesday at the O’Reilly ETech conference on emerging technology in San Diego. He also said security problems on Android-powered smartphones will be minor compared to the potential benefits.

DIY Robotics: The Rise of Open Source Hardware

Wired News Wed, 05 Mar 2008

A new wave of open source hardware is coming, and was on display at O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego this week.

Hacker Shows How Your TV, Front Door, and Iphone are Vulnerable

Wired News, March 05, 2008

Your credit card, the lock on your front door, your cell phone’s voicemail, your hotel television, and your web browser are all not as secure as you think.

ETech Yearbook 2008: Meet the Faces of Innovation

Wired News Wed, 06 Mar 2008

Check out the human side of emerging technology as we make tech celebs mug for the camera at O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego.

Smaller Footprint

Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Wednesday, Mar 5, 2008

Sebastopol publisher gathers scientists to share green ideas.

ETech: What Happens When Countries Censor All of Web 2.0?

Wired News, March 04, 2008

It’s not the governments who censor keywords that worries Ethan Zuckerman, whose job it is to help dissidents around the world. He fears that governments will simply decide to go after the Web 2.0 tools that activists are using to publish.

Google lets us look into its search and translation technology

Heise Online, March 05, 2008

Yesterday, Google’s director of research Peter Norvig let visitors at the Emerging Technology conference in San Diego look into the technology that his firm uses in search and translation functions. As Norvig put it, a lot of the time Google does not rely on complex models and theories, but simply on large amounts of data.

Google Prediction Market Datamining Shows Meatspace Matters

Wired News, March 04, 2008

For the past two and half years, Google employees have bet on internal company projects — a tool known as a prediction market -, providing plenty of data for the company to mine to figure out how information flows internally.
The result is surprisingly ironic for the internet giant.
Physical proximity trumps all other factors in determining how people bet.

Open source robot: your next personal assistant

Network World , 03/06/2008

Imagine a robot that hands you a beer and then cleans your kitchen and living room. That’s what a start-up called Willow Garage in Menlo Park, Calif., is busy developing.

New Yahoo service shares users’ locations with online services

BetaNews, March 6, 2008

Fire Eagle is Yahoo’s location-aware middleware, which ultimately lets users share their locations with online services, so those sites and applications can deliver results relevant to where they are.
Ten thousand invitation codes were sent out yesterday, in addition to the literal golden tickets given out to those present at Etech in San Diego. Yahoo hopes to entice developers to integrate Fire Eagle into their services to help make location-specific data readily accessible.

Violet Blue at ETech

Ethan Zuckerman, March 6, 2008

I’d expected Violet Blue’s talk at ETech to be packed. After all, she’s a sex blogger, a professional sex educator, a columnist for the SF Chronicle, and her talk was on the topic of “Sexual Identity Online”. Perhaps it says something about the ETech crowd that competing talks on database structures were as well attended.

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