Join the TOC Online Community

If you’ve been to the TOC Web site lately, you might have noticed the link up top labeled “Community.” We recently did a quiet launch of a social networking site built with Ning. It’s meant to provide additional ways to communicate and connect with other folks facing the same challenges around the future of publishing and paid content.


In addition to standard features like Forums and Member Profiles, there are also Groups — public and private spaces for conversations on specific topics. You can also upload photos and videos, as well as “friend” fellow community members.

When you sign up, you also get your very own blog (we’ll be featuring posts from members here on the TOC blog).

I’m thrilled to say that there’s already a small but impressive membership list, including Peter Brantley, Joe Wikert, David Rothman, Mike Shatzkin, Laura Dawson, Michael Cairns, and of course Tim O’Reilly. There will be a lot of opportunities for discussion in advance of the 2009 TOC Conference, and we’re also cross-posting our “Open Question” blog posts there for additional feedback.

Like any Web community, it’s a work-in-progress, but we’d love to have you join the conversation. For the time being, we’re moderating new signups to minimize spam. Also note that during signup, you’re asked for your age and gender — these questions are part of the Ning registration, and aren’t seen by me or anyone else in the community unless you choose to share them.
