Four short links: 20 Jan 2009

Today’s links feature retro paper, future computing, brain food, and hardware candy.

  1. PaperCamp – a BarCamp devoted to devotees of paper. I love the sound of Nick O’Leary’s work creating 3d origami graphs, and it just keeps getting better. I want, I want, I want. (via Matt Jones)
  2. The Thrills and Spills of SensorNet (PDF) – keynote at the SenSys 2008 conference by Phillip Gibbons of Intel. Interesting overview of the changing field with lots of fascinating examples. It included a pointer to Online maintenance of very large random samples on flash storage, a paper from VLDB 2008 on semi-random writes that significantly improve performance on Flash storage (via Freaklabs)
  3. Learning Should Be Fun – part of an interesting series of posts that Mind Hacks co-author Tom Stafford is writing during his stint as “psychologist-in-residence” at the School of Everything blog.
  4. Beagleboard – USB-powered, runs Linux, has 10M polygon/second OpenGL accelerator, is HD-capable, and generally kicks serious buttock.