Four short links: 18 Feb 2009

A day of optimism (or is it pessimism), mobile, and local. Enjoy!

  1. How Are You Coping With Anxiety Collapse? (BoingBoing) — the economy, collapse, potential Depression, world to wrack and ruin was a repeating theme of Kiwi Foo Camp this year. We had a debate, the moot being “New Zealand is Fucked”. You’ll be glad to know that the opposing team won, but largely on the grounds that “the rest of the world will be worse off than us”. Best line was at the end, when moderator Russell Brown said, “ok, let’s head back for a drink” and the final speaker of the opposing team pushed his glass across the table and said, “here, have mine–it’s half full.” Anyway, a timely and pressing subject and the human stories in the comments are fascinating.
  2. Let my board and me become as one: the Wii balance board/Google Earth mashup — groovy UI hack that lets you surf the world via Google Earth.
  3. Exporting the Past into the Future (Matt Jones) — wonderful exploration of location-based services from an eminently human point of view. “Where you are right now has limited value”.
  4. Top 10 UK Android Mobile Apps — how utterly banal the items on the list are, proof positive that Android has made it into the mainstream.