Jono Bacon

Jono Bacon is the Ubuntu Community Manager at Canonical, leading a team to grow, inspire and enthuse the global Ubuntu community. He is the author of "The Art of Community," and co-author of "Linux Desktop Hacks" and the "Official Ubuntu Book." He is also the founder of the annual Community Leadership Summit, co-founder of the popular LugRadio podcast, and a common speaker on community management, Linux, and best practices. In addition to this, Bacon is leading an effort to change the music industry, inspired by open source and free culture, through Severed Fifth, an innovative music project, band and philosophy.

The long road toward the Community Leadership Summit

A series of unexpected experiences culminated in the Community Leadership Summit.

Community development is an organic process full of unique experiences and turns. So it should be no surprise the Community Leadership Summit followed a similar path.

Can open source reinvent the music business?

San Francisco band Severed Fifth wants to create a new template for success.

Chart success would be nice, but Severed Fifth has a loftier goal than most bands. They want to use hallmarks of the open source movement — specifically, community involvement and free distribution — to change the music business.