Rael Dornfest

Del.cio.us investment

Del.icio.us, one of the two applications held up repeatedly in the "O'Reilly Radar" keynote at ETech 05 as exemplifying the new lightweight (in attitude, design, and development), affordance-focused, Web 2.0-style, has taken on some money so that its inventor, Joshua Schachter, can spend more time noodling and tagging the Web. In a post to the del.icio.us mailing list, Joshua…

Welcome to the O'Reilly Radar

At O'Reilly, a big part of our business is paying attention to what's new and interesting in the world of technology. We have a pretty good record at having anticipated some of the big developments in recent technological history. For instance, we launched the first commercial Web site, GNN, in 1993; we organized the meeting at which the term "open…

ETech05 Keynote: "Rules for Remixing"

Rael's Emerging Technology Conference 2005 opening keynote, "Rules for Remixing", is available for your listening enjoyment on IT Conversations. If you want to play along at home, download the accompanying slideshow….

Google Maps precursor

With all the excitement over Google Maps few props have been shouted out to a precursor, Bernhard Seefeld's map.search.ch, launched in October 2004. And while the current focus of interest in the remote scripting space is on JavaScript's XMLHttpRequest for passing XML between browser and server in the background (i.e. without loading the HTML page), David Shea points out that…

Bite-sized shareable spreadsheets

Num Sum allows you to share not just your data but your calculations (and those of others) in bite-sized JavaScript-driven spreadsheets. Here's one representing an earlier post, "Mr. Moore in the Datacenter"…

You got your Ajax in my Ruby

The web development world is about to enjoy one of those chocolate-and-peanut-butter moments, the convergence of two individually flavorful technologies–Ruby on Rails and Ajax–to form a scrumptious new taste sensation….

Smart and smarter

Business 2.0’s April “Hits & Misses” features a piece on a Santa Rosa, CA (down the road from O’Reilly World HQ) company that ZAPped Daimler where it hurts. After waving it’s sub-Mini two-seater Smart car in front of US customers at the Detroit Auto Show, Daimler thought it smarter (we’re talking bottom line, not “the greater, smarter good” here)…

The Feynman-Tufte Principle

The Feynman-Tufte Principle: "A visual display of data should be simple enough to fit on the side of a van."…

DIY PSP adventure games

Lest you think the Playstation Personal (PSP) will be remixed into a platform for everything other than gaming, an Adventure Player Studio game developer kit will allow PSP fans to create and play their own adventure games. Gamespot reports: Details on the development kit haven't been released yet, so the level of customization is currently unknown. However, provided they have…

The Flickr Analogy

Jeremy Zawodny points out just how pervasive the Flickr analogy is in framing any discussion around just what an insanely great weblication looks like….