"blogs" entries

[TOC Webcast] Social Media for Publishers

Tools of Change for Publishing will host "Social Media for Publishers," a free webcast with presenter Chris Brogan, on Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 1 p.m. eastern (10 a.m. pacific). Webcast Overview So much of what we hear about blogging, podcasting, social networks, and the rest of the social media toolkit seems to be arbitrary, overly time-consuming, pie-in-the-sky. We might…

Publishers Need to Get In on the Conversation

Kassia Krozser has a Cluetrain-like manifesto for publishers. From Booksquare: It's time to get your hands dirty, to dig into the real-world conversation. It's a weird thing, and sometimes awkward and uncomfortable, especially if you're accustomed to public relations-speak and the cheerleader behavior that accompanies marketing messages. When you talk directly to real people who read and buy books,…

Web Publicity Grows Up, Learns the Value of Conversation

Web publicity works best when the audience is spoken with, not at.

Boston Globe Spins Off Weekly Sports Tabloid

Newspapers are turning to niches these days. The latest example is "OT," a new weekly sports tabloid from the Boston Globe: The 24-page, full-color, oversize tabloid – called OT, which stands for "Our Town/Our Teams" … costs 50 cents and will be published every Thursday … The publication's goal is to provide coverage of professional sports teams that goes beyond…

Photo Blog Shows Innovation Still Alive in Media Orgs

Alan Taylor's side project — Boston.com's Big Picture photo blog — is notable for its simplicity and its residence within a large media organization.

Guardian Blazes New Media Trail with paidContent.org Acquisition

According to Kara Swisher, The Guardian Media Group has purchased ContentNext, publisher of paidContent.org, for more than $30 million. ReadWriteWeb says this acquisition and separate open-data initiatives have pushed The Guardian to the head of the media pack: What do you get when you combine cutting edge tech openness with some of the leading new media publishers online? A kick…

The Upside of Publisher Blogs

Booksquare's Kassia Krozser explains the benefits of publisher blogs: Just as authors need to better market themselves and their books, so do publishers. While the audience for a publisher website is diverse — authors, booksellers, journalists, agents, readers, and more — talking about books on your website the same way you talk about books in your catalog simply isn't…

When Micro-blogging Grows Up

Will Twitter and other micro-blogging services start resembling the blogosphere down the road? We are in the early days of micro-blogs and I still remember when Twitter was used mainly for "status" reporting. But more people are using Twitter instead of blogs, following links from trusted sources essentially using Twitter as a highly filtered blog reader. Just like the early…

The Rise of "Found" Media

Alissa Quart's editorial in the Columbia Journalism Review compares "Lost Media" (magazines, newspapers) with "Found Media" (blogs, Web efforts, etc.), and how different generations interpret journalism's current standing: Right now, journalism is more or less divided into two camps, which I will call Lost Media and Found Media. I went to the Nieman conference partially because I wanted to…

Roundup: Borders Mulling Sale, Blogs to Books

Borders explores possible sale, Fractal Press taps personal finance bloggers for book