"book related" entries

Neil Gaiman on Cory Doctorow's "Little Brother"

Cory Doctorow just sent out the following note: Neil Gaiman gave me an unexpected Christmas present this year — a stellar review of my forthcoming novel Little Brother (a YA novel that pits hacker kids in San Francisco against the DHS in a bid to restore the Bill of Rights to America) on his blog. He has a few…

OLPC and the Kindle

When I saw the OLPC I just had to tinker around with it. So on an hour train ride home I explored the little OLPC and was quite impressed.

A Passion for Reading

Several items about books: Stephen Levy writes in his Newsweek cover story on the Kindle and Jeff Bezos: "When making mental lists of the most whiz-bangy technological creations in our lives, […] we may overlook an object that is superbly designed, wickedly functional, infinitely useful and beloved more passionately than any gadget in a Best Buy: the book." Elizabeth Hardwick,…

Shelfari and the New Social Contract

The high value we've come to place in reputation on the Web is underscored in several ways by the recent dustup  over Shelfari. In short, Shelfari is being called out (primarily, but definitely not exclusively, by Tim Spalding, of competitor LibraryThing) for two violations of the norms of that reputation system: AstroTurfing (though in this case it sounds more like…

Beautiful Libraries of the World

Bibliophilia is an occupational hazard in the publishing industry. I've got it, and I know Tim does. We both loved this set of photos of beautiful libraries around the world. To be allowed a day in each library would make a fantastic holiday itinerary. The non-book-lovers among you are saying "my god, a whole day?! In a dusty old library?!…

Ignite Boston – Next Week

There will be some short "launches," followed by lightening talks, and a couple of other ideas that we will inform you of in the coming weeks…. Another reason we wanted to announce this event this early, is so those of you who would like speak for five minutes on something cool, new, or exciting you can get into the queue sooner rather than later.

State of the Computer Book Market, Part Four – Programming Languages Q1 07

In this fourth post [one, two and three are found here] on the State of the Computer Book Market, I will look at programming languages and drill in a little on each language area.