"dennis ritchie" entries

On Dennis Ritchie: A conversation with Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan discusses Dennis Ritchie.

I talked on Friday with Brian Kernighan about Dennis Ritchie, who sadly passed away two weeks ago at the age of 70. To a large extent, Ritchie completed what he started.

Dennis Ritchie's legacy of elegantly useful tools

We need more people who share Dennis Ritchie's spirit.

"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity," Dennis Ritchie once said. It's true, and we need more geniuses who share his spirit.

Top Stories: October 24-28, 2011

10/30/11 is Dennis Ritchie Day, post-PC and the new tech revolution, publishing's fundamental shift.

This week on O'Reilly: Tim O'Reilly called for a Dennis Ritchie Day to honor the computing pioneer, Mark Sigal examined the players and products in the post-PC revolution, and Hugh McGuire discussed the seismic shifts that are reshaping the publishing industry.

Dennis Ritchie Day

On 10/30/11 let's remember the contributions of computing pioneer Dennis Ritchie.

I don't have the convening power of a governor, but for those of us around the world who care, I hereby declare this Sunday, October 30 to be Dennis Ritchie Day.