"epaymentweek" entries

ePayments Week: How big a bite will Apple take?

Is iTunes PayPal on steroids? Also, walled gardens clamp down, and data geeks discuss privacy

In the latest ePayments Week: With contactless payments coming to an iPhone near you, analysts wonder whether Apple will share its 160 million iTunes customers.

ePayments Week: Facebook’s focus on mobile

The social network gets hyperlocal, data privacy promises abound, and mobile app revenues could triple.

In the latest edition of ePayments Week: Facebook wants to be with you always — which sounds cozy, so long as you trust them to do the right thing with that information.

ePayments Week: Facebook's focus on mobile

The social network gets hyperlocal, data privacy promises abound, and mobile app revenues could triple.

In the latest edition of ePayments Week: Facebook wants to be with you always — which sounds cozy, so long as you trust them to do the right thing with that information.

ePayments Week: Starbucks mainstreams mobile payment

Buying cappuccino with a QR code, the pros and cons of Amazon's app store plans, and best guesses on what's in iPhone 5

In the latest ePayments Week: Finally, something to do with our phones at Starbucks! Also, weighing Amazon's entry to the Android app marketplace and some iPhone 5 musings.

ePayments Week: Square rounds up

Square secures more funding, PayPal's mobile strategy gets a nod, and thinking about the impact of more iPhones.

In this edition of ePayments Week: Square brings home the bacon; PayPal's mobile strategy gets a nod; and Verizon busts open the iOS market.

ePayments Week: Google goes patent shopping

Google's payment purchase, Visa's iPhone app, and FarmVille snubs ads.

In the first edition of ePayment Week: Is there a connection between Android 2.3 and Google's purchase of Zetawire? Plus: News on Visa's iPhone app and Zynga's disinterest in advertising.