"ereaders" entries

Don't forget the readers

Bethanne Patrick on how digital is shaping the reading experience and where ereaders come up short.

There are all sorts of statistics and tech reviews related to digital publishing, but what do readers think? Bethanne Patrick, book critic and owner of Book Maven Media, brings us up to speed on how consumers are responding to the digital shift.

Let the tablet wars begin

As Apple ruffles feathers, HP's TouchPad -- and some of its subscription terms -- are unveiled

HP is squaring up against Apple with its new TouchPad tablet and new subscription terms with Time Inc.

Loathe your Kindle? Swap it for a bunch of books

A Portland, Ore. bookstore is offering a dollar-for-dollar Kindle trade-in.

A bookstore in Portland, Ore., will exchange unwanted Kindles for paper books. But what to do with all those Kindles? That's where Worldreader.org might provide a solution.

Digital publishing should put design above file conversion

Joshua Tallent says it's time for ebook design to get the same attention as print design.

Joshua Tallent, owner of eBook Architects and a speaker at TOC 2011, discusses the nuts and bolts of digital production.

What to expect in EPUB3

Bob Kasher on EPUB3's key areas: multimedia, language support, and accessibility.

Bob Kasher, business development manager for integrated solutions at Book Masters and a speaker at TOC 2011, dishes on EPUB3 and what publishers, developers, and consumers can expect from the new release.

Device Update: Year-end edition

Predictions for 2011: the dedicated ereader market will crest, and focus will turn to the ebook experience.

The holiday season will be a tipping point for ereaders and ebooks. In 2011, the digital changes publishers have made will meet head-on with the harsh demands of a significant consumer base.

Device update: Analyzing the publishing value chain

Ereaders get the attention for now; new tablets from Sharp and RIM.

As the changes in the publishing value chain become clearer, electronic manufacturing giants Sharp and Research in Motion make new tablet announcements.

Device update: The latest multifunction innovations

News on HTC Desire Z, enTourage eDGe and Dell's Convertible Duo.

Illustrating how quickly manufacturers are innovating, we look at new multifunction devices from HTC, Entourage, and Dell.

Device update: Analysts bullish on ereaders

News on Elonex tablets, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Velocity Micro Cruz.

In this week's device update: Research reports conclude ereader demand is on the upswing. Plus: info on Samsung's Galaxy Tab, tablets from Elonex, and more.

Device update: Tablet edition

A look at the Neofonie WeTab, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Telefunken T9HD

The IFA 2010 may become known as the moment when electronics manufacturers announced their responses to Apple's iPad. Here's a look at notable tablet announcements from the event and other recent news from the world of ereaders and related devices.