"strataweek" entries

Strata Week: Running the numbers

IA Ventures success, MathJax display engine, statistical literacy, and making big data more human

IA Ventures raises a huge first-time fund; MathJax provides an open source mathematical display engine; Kevin Drum shares 10 statistics pitfalls; and Paul Bradshaw explains how to bring big data down to a human scale.

Strata Week: Replaced by robots

Robo-journalism, digital fingerprinting, decentralized soldier networks, and drag-and-drop data retrieval.

In the latest Strata Week: StatSheet automates short sports articles, BlueCava uniquely identifies devices, ALADDIN implements distributed decision-making, and Needle helps you find just the data you're looking for.

Strata Week: Keeping it clean

Great data tools for R and Clojure, identifying shady Twitter memes, distributed data in Zambia, and cleaning mashed-up datasets

Red-R provides a GUI for the powerful statistics of R while Webmine makes HTML handling a breeze in Clojure; the Truthy project looks at suspicious Twitter memes; CouchDB helps provide healthcare in rural Zambia; and Google Refine cleans and sanitizes your datasets with ease.

Strata Week: Life, by the numbers

Mapping 311 data, the social effects of traffic, Google Maps and border disputes, and a natural language processing challenge.

This issue of Strata Week follows the path of data through cities, streets and border conflicts. We conclude our journey with a little brain work, as a programming challenge is announced to automatically identify topics and trends in Twitter and Facebook updates.

Strata Week: Political lessons from data land

Yelp's MRJob goes open source, CODATA catalogues historical data, one more telecom lawsuit, and Expedia cleans up their UI

In the latest Strata Week: Yelp makes MRJob open source; CODATA wants to inventory "threatened data"; a visualization untangles a telecom lawsuit; and analytics and a simple fix nets $12 million for Expedia.

Strata Week: Building data startups

Strata registration opens, making money with data, dolphins and cellphones, data in the dirt

In this week's look at the world of data, learn how to build a money-making data startup, register for Strata 2011, and hear of new developments in the mining of offline social networks.

Strata Week: Statistically speaking

Trading platforms, truth in graphs, European financial stats, and Mandelbrot's passing.

In this edition of Strata Week: The London Stock Exchange moves from .Net to open source; learn how graphical scales can lie; the Euroean Central Bank president calls for better financial statistics; and we bid farewell to the father of fractals.

Strata Week: Army anomalies

Distributed video editing, big data tool updates, Riak continues to mature.

In this edition of Strata Week: the Army turns to big data to sniff out internal threats; CouchDB helps with collaborative video editing; Riak adds full-text searching; and a look at notable Hadoop World announcements.

Strata Week: Videos and visualization

Data viz for journalism, student career paths, multi-dimensional data, and the future.

Get cozy for fall by watching some videos about visualization. First, check out Geoffrey McGhee's documentary about data viz in journalism. Then get a sneek preview of LinkedIn's Career Explorer tool. Catch up on Julia Grace's Web2.0 Expo keynote, and finally, take a look at the future of user interfaces through touchable holograms.

Strata Week: Behind LinkedIn Signal

Life-size visualizations, how Hadoop is used, SciDB has its first release

In this edition of Strata Week: the open source technology behind LinkedIn Signal; Julia Grace on visualization; Hadoop usage survey results, and the first release of the SciDB project.