Even More Tech Detail on the Race

In response to my post 2008 Presidential Technology RaceMicah Sifry wrote in the comments to let us know about, “where we’re tracking not just how the presidential candidates are using the web, but how the web is using the candidates. Some features: we’re scraping their MySpace pages to track trends in presidential friending…we’re delivering a live feed of citizen photojournalism culled from Flickr…we’re looking at how they’re using search (would you believe the Republicans are taking more advantage of buying keywords than the Dems?)…and we’re about to post a detailed look at their presence on YouTube.”

This is great stuff. Micah helped us out with the Digital Democracy Teach-In at Etech in 2004, and he really is one of the most astute observers around of the intersection of tech and politics. This is a site I’m going to watch.
