Burning Man Earth

sketchup bm

Google Earth and Burning Man have teamed up to make BMEarth, “a 3D virtual representation of Black Rock City, including theme camps, art installations, structures, and activities, that will be available year round, so you can learn what was done, how, and who did it”. They assembled a large collection of data sets and instructions for uploading your own. If you’ve never been, but have always wondered what Burning Man is like, dump a bag of dust into a fan pointed at your face and follow these instructions.

Get Started: Follow These 3 Easy Steps

  1. First, download and install the latest beta version of Google Earth.
  2. Then, download and open this file to be transported to Black Rock City, 2006!
  3. Finally, add images of your theme camp or art installation (see below).

Then … Download More Data Sets

Now … Send Us Your Theme Camp or Art Installation Placemark

  1. Find your camp or art installation location in Burning Man Earth.
  2. Click “Add Placemark”.
  3. Provide your theme camp or installation name, and any details you’d like.
  4. Then, right-click on your new placemark in the “Places” window, and send it to bmearth (at) burningman (dot) com.
  5. Optionally (and ideally), attach to the email a photograph or a 3D image of your camp using SketchUp.
  6. You can also download 3D models of common camp elements so you can build your virtual camp and send that to us.

ge bm view

ge bm view

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