Google Developer Day: An Interview with Bret Taylor

google dev day

Today I had the opportunity to talk with Google’s Bret taylor about their upcoming Developer Day and the philosophy behind it. They are going to have over 5000 people attending these mini-conferences in 10 countries. 1000 of these people will be in the San Jose Convention Center.

The Google Developer Day is happening this Thursday, the day after Where 2.0 ends (of which Google is a sponsor). They will have three tracks. “Developing with Geo” dives into KML, their Mapping APIs, Sketchup, and Googel Earth. “Mashups and More” has sessions on other properties APIs such as Google Gadgets, YouTube, and GData. They will also be discussing Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Big Table in “Tools for Better Web Development”. In a great move that would make Scoble proud Google is going to have hourlong Fireside chats with the AJAX APIs team, the AJAX Team, the GWT team, and the GeoProduct team.

IMO, Google has a smart philosophy behind their developer tools. They (as do I) see a lot of new web apps as pulling blocks from many places and writing the glue to put them together. Google is trying to aid this new style by releasing as many blocks as possible. I hope one of them is a routing API. :-)

If you can’t make it to the developer day you can watch the Mountain View one via a live stream. Talks from the developer day will be available later via YouTube. I’ll be there and will be blogging my thoughts and covering announcements.


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