Google News Has an Image View

image view

Google News has released an image view and search. It was announced via the Google News blog on June 26th, but I didn’t notice until today. It’s a slick UI, but I wish that they had made it even more visual.

When you load the page you are presented with several rows of pictures on the left. There is a column of stories on the right. As you mouse over the pictures, they are slightly highlighted and the associated news story’s blurb moves into view on the right. When you mouse over the news stories the associated picture is slightly highlighted as well. I was impressed that my personalized news sections were represented amongst the images and stories. You are presented with the same interface when you issue search (here’s the iphone).

I think that the interaction with the news stories is correct but, I wish that the pictures became bigger upon selection. The thumbnails are too small to give you the full visual story. I am assuming that the issue is fair use of scraped images; they can’t be any bigger without causing legal issues. I think that it would be worth getting a feed of Reuters or AP images to solve this problem.

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