OSCON: Bring Your Camcorders

We have 14 tracks in parallel at OSCON. There’s no way we can record everything–we’ll be taping keynotes, but can’t get cameras into the rooms and tutorials. But we want to record as much as we can and get it out there for people who couldn’t make it to OSCON to enjoy.

If you want to help, bring a camcorder and record some of the sessions you attend. Send mail to Brian Jepson (bjepson AT oreilly DOT com), who is coordinating all the uploading. He’s got an OSCON group on YouTube and can work with you to make this as painless as possible for all concerned.

As with every recording at our conferences, we ask only two things:

  1. Ask permission from the presenter before you record, telling them what you intend to do with it. Some tutors make their living giving presentations and will refuse-don’t be offended. Most presenters will gladly agree; they love their topic and want as many people as possible to know about it.
  2. Credit OSCON when you post the video. There’s a line of argument that goes “oh noes! Bobody will come to OSCON if they think they can get it for free online!” My counter is that it’ll help us spread the word about OSCON.

Thanks, and I’ll see you in Portland!
