Web 2.0 Expo Berlin Early Registration Ending


Early registration for he Web 2.0 Expo Berlin (that I am co-chairing) ends this Friday, October 5th. If you register by midnight you’ll save 200 Euros off the regular price — if you register with the code MLUSBE11 you’ll get an additional 10% off.

The pass gets you into the sessions and workshops in all five of our tracks. In the design track you’ll hear from Tom Coates of Yahoo!, Jeremy Keith of Clearleft, Matt Webb of Schulze & Webb, and Alice Taylor of the BBC. In our two technical tracks (Development & Web Operations and Fundamentals) you’ll hear from Cal Henderson of Flickr, Brian Suda, Simon Willison, Ralph Meijer of Jaiku, and Marc Wick of Geonames. Our newest technical session isn’t even on the site yet: Ankur Shah, one of the people behind the awesome Facebook app Socialistics, will discuss the ins and outs of the Facebook API. In the business track Cory Doctorow will discuss copyright and Reshma Sohoni of Seedcamp is running a workshop for start-ups.

In addition to the sessions listed above we will have keynotes from Tim, Kathy Sierra, Werner Vogels, Tarig Krim, and Jesse James Garret. We will also have an Ignite (submit a talk) and the Web2Open, an unconference. All are accessible by a free (with the reg code above) expo pass.
