Build Sites Around Authors and Subjects, Not Publisher Brands

Michael Cairns at PersonaNonData expresses a desire to see publishers include a more comprehensive picture of authors and works:

Publishers are best placed to build author-centric and subject/theme-oriented websites — not sites oriented around a “brand” that isn’t relevant, but those that focus attention on segments of the business that remain relevant to consumers. Envision the Spiritual segment at a site supported by Harpercollins which has a unique, appropriate and relevant focus far apart from the current ‘corporate’ approach. All segments are valid candidates for more of a silo approach to marketing publishers’ products. And I would go further in recommending that publishers consider marketing within these silos all titles available, rather than just those produced by the publisher. What better way to condense a market segment and become a destination site for Self-Help, Spirituality, Mysteries, Computer and any number of other book-publishing segments. Consumers aren’t dumb. Amazon’s main attraction is that all the titles in any one segment are available in one place. As long as publishers continue to ignore this fact, they will under-serve the market and under-perform given the investment in their sites.

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