Four Short Links: 28 August 2009

The Future, Python Metrics, Distributed Version Control, and Stylish R

  1. What The Future’s All About (Webstock Words) — Bruce Sterling on the future. We’re not going to get a future Cloud World as somehow opposed to a future Augmented Reality World. It can’t happen. The ideas can be clearly distinguished, but ideas about technology, labels for technology, predictions and suppositions about technology, they don’t map onto actual real-world technology. Human culture doesn’t work like a logical argument.
  2. PyMetrics — code analysis software that produces metrics for your code. (via the excellent 10 Ways To Let People Know You’re a Bad Python Programmer by Noah Gift)
  3. Prophet and SD 0.7 Are Now AvailableProphet is a lightweight schemaless database designed for peer to peer replication and disconnected operation. Prophet keeps a full copy of your data and (history) on your laptop, desktop or server. Prophet syncs when you want it to, so you can use Prophet-backed applications whether or not you have network. SD (Simple Defects) is a peer-to-peer issue tracking system built on top of Prophet. In addition to being a full-fledged distributed bug tracker, SD can also bidirectionally sync with your RT, Hiveminder, Trac, GitHub or Google Code issue tracker.
  4. Google’s R Style GuideR is a high-level programming language used primarily for statistical computing and graphics. The goal of the R Programming Style Guide is to make our R code easier to read, share, and verify. The rules below were designed in collaboration with the entire R user community at Google. (via Bo Cowgill’s blog)
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