Data journalism’s ‘secret weapon’, data newswires, and the newest data-scraping tools for journalists.

When investigative reporter and journalism instructor Chad Skelton needed help writing a curriculum for a data journalism course, he turned to NICAR-L, the email listerv for the National Institute of Computer Assisted Reporting, for advice.  Skelton says that virtually every data journalist in North America is plugged in to the NICAR listserv, making it data journalism’s “secret weapon.”

In 5 tips for a data journalism workflow, the online journalism blog advises newsrooms to find and tap into “data newswires” in the same way newsrooms have used traditional newswires like AP and Reuters.

The newest data-scraping tool for non-coding journalists,, launched in public beta this week. allows data scraping from any website, and can create a single searchable database using information from several sources.

South Africa hosted a two-day hackathon this week, which was the first Editor’s Lab hackathon held in Southern Africa. The event was organized by the Global Editor’s Network (GEN), the African Media Initiative (AMI) and Google.

And finally, Owen Thomas writes on that the media world has a lot to learn from technologists like Jeff Bezos and Keith Rabois.

O’Reilly Strata Conference — Strata brings together the leading minds in data science and big data — decision makers and practitioners driving the future of their businesses and technologies. Get the skills, tools, and strategies you need to make data work.

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