Closing the gender gap in tech

Stories from women who are making a big impact on the field of big data.

The gender gap in tech is not news, but here’s what is: it’s shrinking. In O’Reilly’s latest report — Women in Data: Cutting-Edge Practitioners and Their Views on Critical Skills, Background, and Education — female data practitioners discuss their work, their achievements, and the attitudes that have propelled them forward to career success.

Through a series of 15 interviews with women across the data field, we’ve uncovered stories we think you’ll find and both interesting and inspiring. The interviews explore:

  • Interviewees’ views about opportunities for women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
  • Benefits of the data field as a career choice for women
  • The changing attitudes of Millennials toward women working in data
  • Remedies for continuing to close the gender gap in tech

Our findings reveal an important consensus among the women we interviewed — the role of female mentors and role models working in STEM is extremely important for opening up the pathway for more women to enter these fields. In fact, the impact that mentors have had on our interviewees has inspired many of them to serve as mentors to other female colleagues, and younger generations of girls, today.

In addition, the practitioners we interviewed confirm that dispelling myths of women’s inability to do well in math and tech is only a small part of the battle. Other challenges center on advancing the idea that gender diversity fuels creativity, innovation, and economic growth. Much work needs to be done to publicize these truths and change the prevailing mindset. Now — through increased publicity from every possible sector, including public and private companies, national and local governments, associations, educators, parents, and teachers — there is a definite assault on the gender gap issue. As a result, these days more women are being included in the talent pool that is driving innovation, creativity, and ingenuity across the STEM fields.

Download our free report and be inspired by these women’s stories and the differences they’re making in the field of big data.

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