Jesper Andersen

Combining a technical background with quantitative business training, Jesper specializes in entrepreneurial technology, including social network analysis, data mining, and consumer web services. Prior to graduate school, Jesper was a software architect, designing and implementing statistical and collective intelligence platforms, at Visible Path, Screaming Media and Sailfish Systems. Currently, he provides entrepreneurial consulting services for startups and co-founded Chicago Ignite.

Jesper holds a BS in Physics from Haverford College and an MBA concentrating in Entrepreneurship and Econometrics from the University of Chicago.

Testing the Long Tail's First Test

Web entrepreneurs have been relying on the Chris Anderson's long tail hypothesis even before he published his ideas, so it's good to see that the academic community has begun to study the effect and test for its existence. The results of the first major study looking for proof of the long tail were announced on Harvard Business Online and were…

Twitter: User Co-Creating or User Co-Opting?

Now that the dust has settled from last week’s Twitter rollback of the reply feature, I’ve been thinking about how Twitter and other services with passionate users incorporate user-generated usages like replies into their core platforms—and when it's healthy co-creation and when it's a risky co-opting of the product by users. If @ replies put a burden on the Twitter…

zembly Provides Social Context for Web Development

Guest blogger Jesper Andersen is a former software architect who currently provides entrepreneurial consulting services for startups. He co-founded Ignite Chicago. The future of application development might be becoming a little more social. Sun certainly hopes so, and has launched zembly, a new collaboration platform for writing small, and lightweight web applications. It’s a promising start, squarely aimed at small,…