"attaboys" entries

Chicago Tribune Notices Make:

Most of our readers are no doubt familiar with Make:, but it's nice to see it getting noticed by mainstream media. The Chicago Tribune just ran an enthusiastic article. But more importantly, they got it right: Aimed at legions of passionate tinkerers, the surprisingly successful magazine teaches hobbyists how to do cool things with, well, things. The real significance of…

The hunt for Jim Gray

This article on volunteers helping with the hunt for Jim Gray is interesting to read. I hope it helps find him; and maybe that the ad hoc efforts lead to something more permanent that could help others in similar situations. Update (from Tim). Charlie Catlett wrote on Dave Farber's IP list: "The Amazon Mechanical Turk team has created a site…

Linda Stone in Harvard Business Review

Kudos to Linda Stone for her piece in Harvard Business Review (that article's free until Feb 26). She's #7 on the list of "Breakthrough Ideas for 2007", talking about continuous partial attention. She's in equally fascinating company: Duncan Watts on the effect of influencers on social epidemics, a Japanese VC talking about the new culture of Japanese entrepreneurialism, MIT's Michael…

Farecast and Actuarial Modeling

I think Farecast's new Fare Guard service is really interesting. It basically seems like an actuarial model applied to a predictive technology, creating a new form of insurance as a result. That's neat….

Amazon S3 is everywhere

Seems to me that everywhere I turn, I'm hearing about someone doing something cool with Amazon S3. Here's a collection of some of the things I've noticed. Jeremy Zawodny put together a great list of S3 backup tools. Two to note in particular are duplicity, which has an S3 backend and is in Debian stable, Macports, and Fedora; and JungleDisk,…