"developerwir" entries

Developer Week in Review: Oracle sends Hudson on its way

Can Hudson and Jenkins get together now? Washington checks in on location. And why are you so stressed?

Oracle casts another piece of Sun from their portfolio, Apple and Google defend themselves from big-brother accusations made by, um, Big Brother, and it turns out you probably have a pretty sweet job, after all.

Developer Year in Review: Operating Systems

Windows 7 outshines Vista (not hard), Linux still in peril (hard luck), and the Mac App Store launches (hard sell)

Last year saw Linux fight free of one legal morass, and perhaps right into another; Microsoft take another swing at replacing XP; and Apple bring the App Store model to the desktop.

Developer Year in Review: Programming Languages

Java's wild ride, multicore drives functional, and a look at how the usual programming suspects stacked up in 2010.

This year brought confusion and chaos in the Java space, continued growth for functional languages due to the attack of multicore, and the usual popularity for all of the dynamic languages we know and love.

Developer Year in Review: Mobile

Our look back at 2010 starts with the year in mobile.

The past year brought new success for Apple, a breakout for Android, a windfall for lawyers, and app stores galore.

Developer Week in Review

Windows tries mobile (again), people sue other people (again), Google's Roman holiday, and UDID angst.

In the first edition of Developer Week in Review, we look at Microsoft's return to the mobile space, further adventures in patent madness, Google's new/old language, and why the latest Apple privacy controversy may be a tempest in a teapot.