"ereader" entries

Q&A With Co-Creator of Classics iPhone E-Reader

The Classics app is a little different than competing iPhone e-readers: for starters, it’s not free. Classics co-creator Phill Ryu discusses the app’s pricing, design and development in this Q&A.

Ebook to iPod to Hard Copy Purchase

Hugh McGuire is loving Stanza, the free ereader app for the iPhone/iPod Touch. From the Book Oven Blog: 40,000 ebook dowloads-a-day. I've got 35 of them sitting on my iPod. If you are a publisher, think long and hard about that number. The reason I have 35 books downloaded onto my Stanza is: a) it is easy, b) it…

Q&A with Hadrien Gardeur, Co-Founder of Feedbooks

Feedbooks converts, catalogs and distributes ebooks in a variety of formats. Co-founder Hadrien Gardeur discusses Feedbook's system and future services in the following Q&A.