"Health 2.0" entries

A new challenge looks for a smarter algorithm to improve healthcare

The Heritage Healthcare Prize puts up $3 million dollars for a predictive algorithm to identify at-risk patients.

The Heritage Health Prize will ask the world's scientists to submit an algorithm that will help identify patients at risk of hospitalization before they need to go to the emergency room.

Making community health information as useful as weather data

Open health data from Health and Human Services is driving more than 20 new apps.

The chief technology office of Health and Human Services, Todd Park, is fond of using the National Ocean and Oceanographic Association as a metaphor for the innovation that may be unlocked through releasing public data. NOAA data underpins Weather.com and nearly every commercial meteorological service in the United States. Park has been working closely with other government officials and the technology community to create a framework for government to act as a platform through the Community Health Data Initiative.

Stop fishing and start feasting: How citable public documents will change your life

Putting government documents and data online is a great step towards making our government process more transparent to the people it serves, but in many ways simply making the material available is like serving someone dinner by giving them a pond full of fish. The pond is huge and the poor dinner guest doesn't have any tools. Worse, they're only looking for one particular bass, and every time someone sends them to where they last saw the fish it's long gone.

Open government examples from the ONC

The Office of the National Coordinator has implemented a host of initiatives aimed at transparency and involvement

With the sea change caused by the Open Government Directive I know that many federal agencies might be struggling with how to actually implement this new policy. This is a major cultural shift in government and there are always challenges when trying to bring such broad changes to any large organization. Government bureaucracy is certainly no exception. But this last…

Health gets personal in the cloud

Google Health Beta and Microsoft's My Health Info

Healthcare in the near future will be quite different than it is today. Web enabled technology is already changing the way medicine is practiced. As the digital nation comes of age we will see new opportunities, and new challenges, bringing healthcare in America into the 21st century. Health consumers will come to expect they will have control over their own health data. Having secure, interoperable access to clinical data will allow patients to partner with their care providers in new ways incorporating Web 2.0 principles.