"HTML5" entries

Radar's top stories: June 27-July 1, 2011

Getting started with Hadoop, a look at Clojure, publishing lessons from Pottermore

This week on Radar: We took a deep dive into Hadoop, Stuart Sierra discussed Clojure's growing popularity, and we looked at two key aspects of J.K. Rowling's Pottermore that publishers should copy.

How Netflix handles all those devices

Netflix's Matt McCarthy on building apps that work across platforms.

Matt McCarthy explains how WebKit and A/B testing play important roles on Netflix's many apps. Plus: Platform lessons Netflix has learned that apply to other developers and companies.

What CouchDB can do for HTML5, web apps and mobile

The utility of CouchApps and how CouchDB could shape mobile.

OSCON speaker Bradley Holt talks about what CouchDB offers web developers, how the database works with HTML5, and why CouchApps could catch on.

Radar's top stories: June 20-24, 2011

HTML5's influence on web development, data and genetic secrets, and how to build big JavaScript apps with big teams

This week on Radar: We looked at the how HTML5 is shaping web development, scientist Charlie Quinn revealed how open source and big data are advancing life sciences, and Nicholas Zakas explained how big teams can build big JavaScript apps.

How is HTML 5 changing web development?

Remy Sharp on whether HTML is ready for prime-time production.

In this interview, OSCON speaker Remy Sharp discusses HTML5's current usage and how it could influence the future of web apps and browsers (hint: in time, we may not notice browsers at all.)

Four short links: 17 June 2011

Four short links: 17 June 2011

Gamification Critique, BitCoin Trojan, App Store Abandonment, and SSD Rant

  1. Don’t Play Games With Me — slides from an excellent talk about games and gamification. (via Andy Baio)
  2. All Your Bitcoins Are Ours (Symantec) — a trojan in the wild that targets the wallet.dat file and transfers your bitcoins out. If you use Bitcoins, you have the option to encrypt your wallet and we recommend that you choose a strong password for this in the event that an attacker is attempting to brute-force your wallet open. (via Hacker News)
  3. FT Escapes the App Trap (Simon Phipps) — Financial Times dropping their iOS app and moving to HTML5, to escape the App Store commissions. As Simon points out, they’re also losing the sales channel benefits of the App Store. Facebook are doing similar. (via Tim O’Reilly)
  4. Artur Bergman on SSDs (video) — a short sweary rant he gave at Velocity, laying out the numbers for why you’re an idiot not to use SSDs.

Developer Week in Review: Are .NET programmers going extinct?

Microsoft embraces HTML5, selling a startup at 15, and a new version of Java looms.

For Microsoft programmers, the week brought fear, uncertainty and doubt regarding their future as an elite class of developers. For a lucky teen, it brought a big paycheck. And for fans of Java, it brought a new version of the popular language one step closer to release.

Why a JavaScript hater thinks everyone needs to learn JavaScript in the next year

JavaScript is now a necessity.

JavaScript is everywhere: servers, rich web client libraries, HTML5, databases, even JavaScript-based languages. If you've avoided JavaScript, this is the year to learn it. And if you don't, you risk being left behind.

Checking in on HTML5 video

YouTube's Greg Schechter on HTML5's place in the video world.

HTML5 video still needs work, but YouTube's Greg Schechter says it's heading in a good direction. In this interview, Schechter explains how HTML5 video introduces new needs and new opportunities.

To the end of bloated code and broken websites

Nicole Sullivan on how CSS is evolving to meet performance and device needs.

Velocity speaker and CSS expert Nicole Sullivan discusses the state of CSS — how it’s adapting to mobile, how it’s improving performance, and how some CSS best practices have led to “bloated code and broken websites.”