Five Things You Didn't Know About Me

Allison tagged me, so here are five things you don’t know about me:

  1. I was born in NC, but most of the time I spent in the state I was in the womb. I grew up in South Jersey and then proceeded to live in New York, Connecticut, Boston, and San Francisco before settling in Seattle. Prior to moving to Seattle I had never spent more than a year in a single abode as an adult.
  2. The first time I met Kathy Sierra I made her want a Tablet PC.
  3. My first O’Reilly connection was through Nat. We met at ETech 05; I had recognized his name as being a good friend’s friend. A conversation and then a friendship ensued. A year later I was interviewing with Tim at ETech 06.
  4. In the 14 years that I have been devilsticking I have had at least 10 sets (currently in possession of 5 – with a new LED set ordered yesterday), been in 2 fire troupes (met my girlfriend through one of them), taught at least 5 people who stuck with it, been stopped on two occasions by cops, earned ~30 dollars, performed (with fire) at the Bumbershoot closing ceremony in 2005, performed (with fire) twice in front of the Man on the night of the burn, have devilsticked in 8 countries, and performed in one wedding (OK – it was at Burning Man, but still a wedding!). I am self-taught. I occasionally juggle.
  5. I was a cook one summer at a mid-class bar & grill in Medford, New Jersey. Lucky for me there were two gourmet chefs on staff who were slumming. They took me under their respective wings, made me a lot of great meals, and gave me a good culinary foundation that I have always been thankful for. I wish I knew where they were now.

I am tagging Leo Dirac, PT, Dave McClure, Mikel Maron, and Niall Kennedy. Tell us about yourselves.
