Webcast Video: Why Publishers Should Care About SEO

Below you’ll find the full recording from last month’s TOC Webcast, “Why Publishers Should Care About SEO,” with SEO expert Jamie Low.

About this Webcast:

Search engine optimization (SEO) expert Jamie Low uses a conversational format and live search queries to examine SEO elements and techniques, including: how publishers can get ranked for specific queries related to their content; why some pages earn top spots in search listings and others fail to advance; and how to evaluate SEO strategies that will support real-world business objectives.

Running time: 1:56

About Jamie Low:

Jamie Low has helped hundreds of organizations “get search” since 1995. As the founder of consulting firm SearchEngineMarketing.com he regularly guides virtual teams of marketing and technology professionals through the turbulent waters of creating and maintaining their own in-house search marketing initiatives. Book publishers such as Random House, Fodor’s Travel, Pearson and O’Reilly Media have enlisted Jamie’s help to evaluate their SEO needs, instruct their staff on how best to integrate SEO best practices into their everyday work, and for troubleshooting large-scale web development issues related to how search engines discover, index and rank their content.

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