Brady Forrest

Brady Forrest is Chair for O'Reilly's Where 2.0 and co-Chairs Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco and NYC. Brady writes for O'Reilly Radar tracking changes in technology. He started Ignite, a geek event which has spread to over a hundred cities worldwide (including Seattle). Brady lives in Seattle, where he builds robots and cars for Burning Man and competes for Mayor of finer establishments. You can track his web travels at Truffle Honey or @brady. Recently, he has started blogging about Burning Man & desert fashion.

Online Where 2.0: iPhone Sensors for Developers

Online Conference Happening December 3, 2009

It’s difficult to make it to every conference and yet there are always new developments, technologies and issues during the off times. So we are trying something new. a series of Online Conferences that will happen through out the year. We just had a successful one on eBooks for our Tools of Change conference and now we are launching one for Where 2.0. On December 3rd please join me, Brian Jepson and 5 other speakers as we discuss and explore iPhone sensors at the first ever Online Where 2.0 on December 3rd.

Google Shrinks Another Market With Free Turn-By-Turn Navigation

Google has announced a free turn-by-turn navigation system for Android 2.0 phones such as the Droid. Read more about the features of Google Maps Navigation.

Max For Live: Making Musicians Into Programmers

Ableton’s Live is one of the top music creation and performance platforms out there. It is a complete music suite with instruments, sound management and a performance interface. It is used by DJs, bands, and hobbyists. At a cost of several hundred dollars Live is within reach of most tech-savvy musicians. This fall Ableton is releasing Max For Live, an API of sorts. Max For Live is going to introduce a new generation of musicians to (visual) programming. And I don’t think that they’ll stop at playing around with the Ableton Live controls.

Ignite Show: Kathy Sierra on Feeling Better is Better

If you want to be successful with your customers, you need to make them feel succesful. It's all about them achieving awesome. This week, Kathy Sierra explains some of the secrets for creating passionate customers.

Random Hacks of Kindness: Disaster Relief Codejam

Random Hacks of Kindness is an initiative that brings together disaster relief experts and software engineers to work on identifying key challenges to disaster relief, and developing solutions to these critical issues. Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and the World Bank are getting together to support disaster relief projects. The first Codejam will be Nov 12-14 i the Bay Area.

Snow Leopard Is Location-Aware

Shortly after installing Snow Leopard I saw the first evidence of the new location services built into the operating system. I got the new version of Clarke, a Fire Eagle updater. After the install a window appeared that asked me if I wanted to share my location with an application. Finally! So how is Apple doing it? The same they do on the iPhone.

Get That Vaccine, It's Going to Be a Bad Flu Year

Map: International Co-circulation of 2009 H1N1 and Seasonal Influenza (As of October 9, 2009; posted October 9, 2009, 3:00 PM ET) All signs point to a bad flu year and it's going to be primarily from H1N1 (swine flu). H1N1 now accounts for over 50% of the fu cases around the world. The CDC map above shows the spread…

Web 2.0 Expo NYC Early Bird Pricing Ends Today

The Web 2.0 Expo NYC is just over a month away. It's our East Coast gathering for the builders of the web. The speakers are there to share their learnings, techniques and tools. Major development topics include realtime protocols (like PSHB), HTML5, and machine learning. Mobile development and app stores remain important. And as always front and back end…

Magic Wand: Accelerometer + Remote Control

Last week at a Gadgethon, I got to set my eyes on the Magic Wand in action. It’s a motion-based IR remote control. The person demoing the soon-to-be-released product was able to turn on his iPod, change the volume, and (after only two tries) turn off the music.

Where 2.0 CFP Extended

Every year Where 2.0 is a gathering of mapping companies, and geohackers. This year there will be a lot of discussion about mobile apps (iPhone vs, Android vs. Pre vs. Nokia), user-contributed geodata (like Waze and Google Building Maker), temporal mapping, government geodata (like Data SF), augmented reality (like Wikitude), and the geolocated web. We've extended the CFP entry…