Visualization of the Week: Four ways to look at Obama’s 2013 Budget

The New York Times visualizes Obama's proposed budget.

This week, President Barack Obama submitted to Congress his budget for the 2013 fiscal year. You can wade through the entire budget here, or you can get a different look at the budget data through the New York Times’ interactive visualization. The Times visualization offers four different ways to examine the budget proposal: all spending, types of spending, changes, and department totals.

Screenshot of New York Times Budget Visualization
Screenshot from the New York Time’s 2013 budget visualization. See the full interactive version.

The visualization opens on the “all spending” tab where you can see circles whose color and size represent the size and changes in spending. The size of the circle depends on the amount of spending, and the colors show change — green for more money proposed, red for less.

The transition between the tabs is animated. For example, when you click between the “all spending” and “types of spending” tabs, the circles reposition and regroup.

The full visualization can be seen here.

(Hat tip to Flowing Data.)

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