"radar" entries

Radar has moved to oreilly.com/ideas

All of the material you’re used to finding on Radar has now moved to oreilly.com/ideas.

New editions of Four Short Links are available at oreilly.com/4sl.

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The top 50 Radar posts from the last 5 years

Looking for something specific? You might find it in the following list of Radar’s top traffic-generating posts.

Welcome Jon Bruner to Radar

Jon brings his expertise in storytelling and data to O'Reilly.

Jon BrunerWhere are my manners? Jon Bruner posted his first piece to Radar two weeks ago and I’m just now getting around to welcoming him.

Jon joins our Radar team this month from Forbes where he covered the technology of data. I liked that he called himself a datanaut but I liked even more that he illustrated his pieces with great interactive visualizations and applications. I mean how cool is this?

Jon will continue to cover data, but he’ll also be digging into the Internet of Things, the dynamics of technology and cities, and whatever interesting things catch his attention. I expect you’ll be seeing a lot of him here.

He’s @JonBruner and +Jon Bruner on the Interwebs and in his spare time he plays the pipe organ like a boss. Ok, that’s not really him.

I'm joining O'Reilly

As GM, Radar.

Radar isn't just this blog, and it isn't a passive thing. We'll make some noise and listen for echoes.

Books we're recommending

Titles that caught the attention of Radar's contributors.

I asked the Radar folks for the best books they read in 2010. Perhaps somewhere in this list of recommendations you'll find a title that tickles your fancy enough to push aside the old books.

Radar is getting a redesign

A new version of Radar is coming soon. Here's what we have planned.

Radar will get refreshed later this week with a new look and more functionality. This brief overview offers a preview of the design and explains our rationale for the change.

O'Reilly Radar, other O'Reilly efforts win JOLT awards at SD West

O'Reilly Radar, Beautiful Code, The Myths of Innovaiton, and Safari Books Online win awards at the SD West conference.